
Showing posts from August, 2022
"When the legal eagle stands and all love has failed. Thy fellow man and women have abandoned friendship and kindness."    "The time has come for man/women to take the courage to stand alone and deny the fair in order to stand for what is just and right." " As I mount up on eagle wings to get ready to stand within 10 Broad Street Pirnie Building for hand delivering paperwork to the clerk" "The one who questions shall be the one that is right about the way in order to begin. The way out of the poverty trap that we are all born into as give me your poor tired and weak. It shall be done by slow steady work of truth to thyself" "While I took a severe fall as a photographer due to the lies of others because of their jealousy of me. I got to lose many friends but did I really? were they ever mine or did any even care? For those who all thought I would fail with my photography. But it is and shall be the one who enjoys the fruit of my work." 

My Intro about me Gary Arthur Holyoke AKA Images by Gary Holyoke

 I have just reopened this site as a blog post. Take a bit of PINK FLOYD TIME to READ or call to video chat. The greater or the lesser??? St. Jude Machabees what is your real business?? If you look through the galleries it's a Fort Clock to Fort Stanwix garden party . Later on things about I, Gary Arthur Holyoke vs. MVCS and MVHS looking for boards about Lying psychiatric services on records. I will be doing some blog writing, later on, unknown as of yet subjects for another hobby probably a bit on my photography style and thoughts on how to see creatively. My work can be seen at  Images by Gary Holyoke .  Along with my NFT works that are Ethereum based at  Images-By-Gary-Holyoke  on the OpenSea.  An instructional video on how to navigate the site in order to purchase. website instructional video A link to important things on my google drive These are my thank you letters about internet neutrality creators/copyright issues  the right to be in charge of your own money/credit besi